Members are given the opportunity to tell us the topics they would like to cover throughout the year. Sometimes the topics can be adjusted to fit the Planning Together or Learning Disability Forum meetings.
This gives members the opportunity to contribute to Camden Council's meetings and allows CPF to do presentations and fully participate at these meetings.
The meetings are done in Easy Read, with the use of a projector to make the meetings more visual and inclusive. Members have the opportunity to ask questions and raise queries or concerns which the coordinator aims to address.
Camden Council and other public sector workers attend some of our meetings, including the police, TfL, the local housing service, care providers and many more.
Benefits of Membership
By becoming a member of Camden People First, you will have lots of opportunities:
be empowered to speak up for yourself and other people with learning difficulties.
opportunities to work as a team and provide peer support.
opportunities to learn new skills.
support on budgeting and using your money wisely.
encouragement to build your confidence.
be informed and updated on government policies and issues affecting people with learning difficulties.
You will also have the opportunity to be trained on the use of computer skills such as:
Accessing the internet.
Microsoft Publisher to design flyers or posters in Easy Read with lot of pictures.
Easy Read PowerPoint presentations.
We have regular members meetings as well as trustee meetings. The members and trustees meetings are held monthly, but not in August or November when we are on recess. At these meetings, you will have the opportunity to attend:
Speak up for yourself.
Our regular focus group meeting where you can to talk to the police about any hate crime incidents. As a member of Camden People First, you will have the full right and say on how to run Camden People First.
Become a Member
Our Membership Fee is only £2.50 a month.
To become a member, please fill in a membership form using the links. Alternatively, you print a copy, fill it in and post or email it to us at:
Post: 215 Eversholt Street, Ampthill Square, London, NW1 1DE.
Alternatively, you can call our office on 020 7388 2007 and ask for a Membership Form.
Camden People First -"Bigger and Stronger Together"